
Uranium Projectiles: Severely Maimed Soldiers, Deformed Babies, Dying Children

Siegwart-Horst Günther

Uran Geschosse: Schwergeschädigte Soldaten, mißgebildete Neugeborene, sterbende Kinder
Eine Dokumentation der Folgen des Golfkrieges, 1993-1995
Uranium Projectiles: Severely Maimed Soldiers, Deformed Babies, Dying Children
Documentation of the aftermaths of the Gulf War 1993-1995
Projectiles d'uranium: Militaires gravement mutilé, nouveau-nés difformes, enfants mourants
Une documentation des suites de la guerre du Golfe, 1993-1995

Mit Geleitworten von / With prefactory notes by / Avec préfaces de
Tony Benn, Ramsey Clark, Margarita Papandreou, Freimut Seidel

Uran Geschosse: Schwergeschädigte Soldaten, mißgebildete Neugeborene, sterbende Kinder
Eine Dokumentation der Folgen des Golfkrieges, 1993-1995
Uranium Projectiles: Severely Maimed Soldiers, Deformed Babies, Dying Children
Documentation of the aftermaths of the Gulf War 1993-1995
Projectiles d'uranium: Militaires gravement mutilé, nouveau-nés difformes, enfants mourants
Une documentation des suites de la guerre du Golfe, 1993-1995

Mit Geleitworten von / With prefactory notes by / Avec préfaces de
Tony Benn, Ramsey Clark, Margarita Papandreou, Freimut Seidel

Preface to the second edition

Knowledge is power – how wrong this formula, repeated by teachers and mass media in a prayer-wheel manner proves to be (and did so at all times), shows once more by the fact that the second edition of this documentation by Professor Siegwart-Horst Günther did not have to be done any earlier. For, on the one hand, this knowledge has to be spread first; what difficulties the publishing house and the author met with in this effort and still do – at last authorities threatened to put Professor Günther into a psychiatric ward by force – the interested reader can learn form this documentation and from the periodical KETZERBRIEFE (HERETICS' LETTERS). On the other hand, there is an enormous disinterest throughout society towards political issues by now; interest concerning political issues only comes up in case »it is allowed to« and as far as the allowance goes; and citizens of the NATO states have learnt to smell by now what is not »admissible«. This rule, unfortuantely, is only confirmed by some few exceptions.

Even now – in the summer of the year 2000 – the war against Iraq has not yet been stopped. The country is being bombed by the British or US-American armed forces nearly every day. The embargo, which continues to exist for ten years by now, meanwhile cost the lives of more than one and a half million Iraqis (a crime, which recently was correctly termed the »silent equivalent of ten Hiroshima bombs«), every month several thousand people are dying; one million children under five years of age are underfed according to the findings of the UN. – What was that story aboout searching for weapons? Still not yet finished? Forgotten to search? Or with what rubbish will our rolls be buttered next time?

During the weeks of the bombing of Serbia, after Professor Günther had long presented his documentation to the ministeries, Minister J. Fischer of the Greens still presented the lie, that you could safely proceed on the assumption that »no dangers for man an environment could come from uranium missiles«, while at the same time the British Ministery of Defence had given order to their soldiers not to go near any objects that might have been the target of uranium missiles; and if this should be absolutely unavoidable in some cases, they should only do so under special instructions, with a special protective suit and a special breathing apparatus. Years after the publication of the first edition of this documentation, unfortunately, but still about one year before Fischer's lie, the British medical journal »Lancet« had also pointed to a strong rise of the carcinoma rate as a result of the use of uranium projectiles. Meanwhile a British team confirmed Günther's studies and a British enterprise for the disposal of nuclear waste refused to carry out an order by Kuwait and remove depleted uranium from Kuwaiti territory as being too dangerous. Recently, British physicans noted grave symptoms also in British soldiers deployed to Serbia which they attribute to the effects of depleted uranium and experts meanwhile also admit, that the so-called Gulf War-Syndrome in NATO soldiers does not have any other cause. By now, more than four thousand GIs and at least one hundred British soldiers are said to have died from »Morbus Günther« and other symptoms resulting from the use of depleted uranium. (There is, however, no reason whatsoever to mourn for those people, after all – cf. Matth. 26, 52.)

The use of depleted uranium and its consequences were treated like a paranoic fiction for a long time – meanwhile, we have advanced, for today it seems to be a matter of course. It is the same sickening and tiring trick all the time: first they are lying, then they will strike, finally deny it – in an inconspicuous manner, which nevertheless, will be dicernible for everybody. But it is dreadful, that in view of these facts there is no public cry of indignation; this is an unfailing proof for the complete lack of awareness of injustice in society and, as a prerequisite thereof, the deeply biassed poor memory of the citizens, at least of those of the NATO states.

By this documentation, now presented in second and enlarged edition and by his numerous lectures in Germany and abroad, the credit for continuously having spread information about the facts described above goes to Professor Siegwart-Horst Günther. May the following pages hinder the poor memory at least a little bit.

The Editors

»Depleted uranium missiles are a threat to life for this and future generations. The mindless proliferation of these inherently dangerous weapons must be stopped now and their manufacture prohibited absolutely. All humanity is indepted to Siegwart-Horst Günther for his pioneer work in exposing this menace.«
Ramsey Clark, former United States Attorney General

»Read more about DU and the consequences now accumulating to afflict all the places where DU-spiked bombs and bullets have been used and/or tested. The subject is explained in harrowing and graphic detail in a trilingual report (English, German and French) titled Uranium Projectiles: Severely Maimed Soldiers, Deformed Babies, Dying Children by S. H. Günther, Ahriman Publishers Freiburg. Professor Günther has endured official harassment in his efforts to make known the dangers of inherent in recycling a waste product, DU, to make "improved" military armaments.«
The Sylvanian – Pennsylvania Chapter Newsletter (USA), Feb. 2003

Siegwart-Horst Günther:

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. habil. Siegwart-Horst Günther (1925-2015), Professor of Tropical Medicine, was a liberal opponent of Hitler and therefore imprisoned in Buchenwald concentration camp towards the end of the war. From 1945 to 1950, he studied medicine, philosophy and Egyptology. In 1953 he was appointed to the University of Cairo, after which he taught at various universities in Egypt, Great Britain, the United States and Poland; he also worked with Albert Schweitzer in the jungle hospital of Lambaréné. From 1990 to 1995 he taught and worked at the University and University Hospital of Baghdad (Iraq). Since 1998 he was Vice-President of the Albert Schweitzer World Academy of Medicine in Warsaw. As President of the Yellow Cross International he treated children in Iraq after the second Gulf War from 1991 to 1995. During this time, he provided scientific evidence that a previously unknown, usually fatal disease ("Gulf War Syndrome") was caused by depleted uranium (DU), the depleted uranium projectiles used by the US aggressors. For these and other humanitarian and scientific services, he received numerous international awards, whereas in his country of birth he suffered shameful treatment and maltreatment. His documentary brochure on the devastating effects of DU shells published by AHRIMAN was one of the first publications of its kind in the world.

To the personal homepage of Siegwart-Horst Günther.

Siegwart-Horst Günther
Uranium Projectiles:
Severely Maimed Soldiers, Deformed Babies, Dying Children
Documentation of the aftermaths of the Gulf War 1993-1995
92 p., 57 ill., 8 facsimiles, 2nd enlarged edition
German / English / French
€ 12,-
ISBN: 978-3-89484-805-7
ISBN-10: 3-89484-805-7
